Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A message from Ranianaim (instagram)

Date someone who is looking for more than look.
Date someone who wants to know more about you as a person, as a human being, someone who wants to know your story in all of its's messy, sad and beautiful glory.
Date someone who is not afraid of minor challenges, someone who doesn't run away even if they have other options.
Date someone who wants you enough to try a little harder, someone who communicates instead of dodging the issue, someone who choses to talk to you and understand your differences instead of giving up because it's easier.
Date someone who thinks you are their idea of perfect despite your imperfections. Someone who sees your heart and how much it's been through, someone who is also bruised but still believes in love.
Someone who has been guarded but was waiting for someone like you.
Date someone who wants to be patient with you.
Someone who stays when you expect them to leave.
Someone who doesn't lead you on because they were genuine about you from the moment they saw you.
Date someone who's looking for quality because that's the only way they'll appreciate you, that's the only way they'll understand what you truly have to offer.
Anyone else will only like you under certain conditions, like when you are the best version of yourself, when you are the easiest to love.
But you must look for the person who is looking for quality, who is looking for more.
You must, because they'll always look for the things that other people don't see in you, the things that matter. They will love the bruised part in you, the dark parts of your mind.
Date someone who makes you feel beautiful, because they will make you feel seen, even when everyone else makes you feel invisible.


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