Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Birthday Post

I am officially 18 today and here are my goals for this year:
1. Attend SMC.
2. Make more time for my dog. That's why I want a little bunny to accompany him.
3. Be more friendly and loquacious. I don't know why but sometimes I feel more comfortable being in reticence.
4. Walk and talk faster. Every single person on this earth said I look sluggish whenever I asked them "What do you think of me?".
5. I want to be healthier and stronger.
6. Having flushed and radiant face (need to consume more Chinese traditional vitamin).
7. Be a good cook. My asset to study abroad.
8. Read more books and spend less time stalking people's lives.
9. Woke up earlier, maybe 4.30 would do.
10. Be brave enough to drive on main road.

Sincerely, I don't feel that birthday is a special day for me anymore. Yes, it is special, not to mark our birth day, but to mark the day when our mom strived to give birth to us and put her own life at stake so that we can live and see this beautiful world. I used to think that I can't live without surprises and birthday cakes on my birthday. But this year, it's different. Maybe because I live in a family where birthdays are not celebrated festively. Or maybe because I started to grow older and more mature. I soon realise that fancy birthday cakes and celebration are not essential to mark our birthday. Throwing eggs and bags of flour to a birthday person are also such a waste. There are millions of people starving to death every year and I do not have the heart to waste those food just to mark someone else's birthday.

But, I got a surprise from my friends today. So, Christy and I were chilling on Ms Heather's sofa talking about her vacation in Bali. Then Anggie arrived. It came as a bit of a shock when Anggie persisted that she was going to attend Ms Heather's class at 6 pm, although she had just arrived in Medan at 4 pm. When her car arrived, I told Christy "Waahh, Anggie's driver was fast". She did not respond as if it was fine, but for me, driving from Kuala Namu to Putri Hijau in 1.5 hours is something. Anggie came in and she shared the cookies she bought from Penang. First, Christy went to the restroom and then followed by Anggie. We usually go to the restroom at 5.55. Realising that I still enjoyed eating the cookies and had not gone to the restroom, Christy suddenly said "It's 6 pm. I have to go to the toilet". Believe me, it only took me 1 second to respond to her statement "Oh yeah, I still had not gone to the restroom".I got up from the sofa and walked towards the restroom. I felt like I was hypnotised by her words. In the restroom, I had a hunch that Anggie and Christy were talking about my birthday stuff, so I lingered in the restroom by washing my hands with the liquid hand soap.  When I came out from the restroom, both of them disappeared. And suddenly, Christy appeared and sang Happy Birthday song followed by Anggie who brought the mini cakes.

When miss Heather was not in class

We're not satisfied with our pictures, so we took some decent ones again.

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