Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Gatsby Night

Two days ago, my school councils decided to throw a Great-Gatsby themed prom night. I came a little late because I had to do the make up at 5.40. Believe me, it did not even look like a farewell but selfie party. So, here are some of the pictures that I took with my friends.

As soon as we arrived, we took a quick picture of us.

with Sophia, my classmate for 5 years.

Nadya, falcon's gorgeous and affable supermodel.

Me, Yasmeen, Vivi and Veronica.

Sylvia J, me, Vivi and Wilona.

Plus Tiff, oh finally. It was so hard to take a pict with her as she was wandering the whole ballroom.

Yus, Anggie, me and Evita. 

Me and Winda. She is now a peacock, with colourful ends.

Wilona, my complex mate.

and the prom king and queen come from Falcon.

Those picture pretty much summed up my prom night. If you are wondering what Falcon is; it is my class' name.

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