Thursday, April 16, 2015

Red Cliff

The last few days in high school had been a traumatic experience in my whole life. Two weeks ago, I applied blonde colour hair dye and little did i know it turned so bright. The next day, I came late to school and was asked to stand on a line with those who came late too. When the counsellor came out of her office, she looked at my hair straight way. She stared at me with her protuberant eyes and I saw her right in her eyes, not realising that she was actually glaring at my light brown hair. She asked me to re-dye my hair to black or otherwise I will not be able to participate in the national examination. Fortunately my friend recommended me a temporary black hair spray which did its job pretty satisfactorily. It's just this thing has an adverse effect which makes my hair feels sticky and stiff and looks greasy. And all I need to do is to feel the embarrassment of applying the hair spray for one week and I knew that is the consequence I have to bear.

Yesterday officially marked my last day of high school. I know, graduating this time is not supposed to come as a surprise for me. But I felt like it was different from the past one's. I really felt bereft this time, as I would be leaving my old-age routine which is to meet my friends every weekday. I will no longer belong to neither school nor university. I felt like part of me is more vulnerable, more exposed to death, seriously. I felt safe when I went to school cause deep inside, I still believe that even the every gate and door at my school is protecting me from terrorism or even ..... maleficence. But, I soon realised that I have to step out from that comfort zone and face a different phase of life. I have to be an independent and mature woman who knows how to do everything. My goal in this holiday is to learn how to be a professional cook, cause that is one of the most fundamental things I have to learn before leaving for another country to continue my tertiary education.

Prior to my 18th birthday, one of my best friends gave me a keychain and some notes that made me burst into tears. I have been friends with her for 12 years of my life. Although we're not in the same class, but hopefully, we could still catch up with each other .
"Best friends are people you know you don't need to talk to every day. You don't even need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, it's like you never stopped talking"-Anonymous.

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