Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Not a blank space.

For the past six months, I have been gaining considerable experience in life. I could say that they are incredibly precious to me.

In November 2014, I started working part-time as an English teacher in one of the local English Centre. I submitted my CV to the receptionist there and I got a quick response. It was an inexplicable joy to know that I satisfy the requirements to be a teacher there. I was accepted in the middle of the term, so my schedules were not as tight as those of the other teachers. I still recalled the first class I taught, there were one girl and two boys. Fortunately, the girl was rather loquacious, which helped me to cover my sense of nervousness as I was talking to her the whole time.
In January 2015, I got new hectic schedules, I could say. I was more exposed to different kinds of students. Of course, different students need different approach. To create an atmosphere in class, I usually tell them stories or give a general-knowledge quiz.

On January 24, I attended my class' inauguration party, which was quite gripping. The party marked our last bash and after party.
portrait of my classmates.
 I was the second person standing on the left side of the polkadot-dress woman, with see-through bangs, white necklace and strapless maroon dress.

In mid March, I received an email from UCLA, writing to me that they cannot offer me a seat for this term. It hurts my pride as I was one of the 92,000 applicants but not one of the 5700 students admitted to it. But, I soon realised that this was not the end of my future and tried to chin up. Whatever happens today, I will not let anything or anyone ends my happiness. 

High school is soon coming to an end. It is highly regrettable how I am getting closer to my friends once the school has almost ended. Nevertheless, it is very essential to cultivate non-attachment if we are to live a serene and happy life in a world full of changes.

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