Monday, October 13, 2014

Passing the milestone

October 10 
I arrived in Jakarta at 8 pm and stuck around the airport for almost 2 hours because of the traffic congestion. I saw a taxi driver strangled a private driver because this p.driver ask for a compensation. The taxi driver allegedly hit the his boss' car. But finally a security arbitrated the dispute. I arrived at a restaurant at 11 pm. Gosh imagine how hungry I was. Fortunately this cafe is located right in front of my apartment. The atmosphere was so good; Sitting on the rattan chair while enjoying the view of Green Bay. I ordered oxtail soup and it tasted so salty. I finished eating around 11.30 pm and went straight to my flat. I went to bed at 12 pm.

October 11
I woke up at 6am and quickly ran a bath. I dressed formally and had my breakfast (3 bites of bread) in a rush. Then I went to Inti College Indonesia to sit my SAT test. When I arrived there, I saw many teenagers my age were reviewing their notes, memorising vocabularies, and doing math questions. I was standing in the lobby like asdfghjkl. They looked smart and nerdy, carried backpacks and wore sport shoes. I was so shocked, to be honest. I didn't bring anything but my handbag and the admission ticket, and wore mini skirt plus high heels. I felt ridiculous myself. HAHAHA. 
The test literally took 3hours and 45 minutes but it felt like a day. So there was this Thai student who didn't bring any pencils, though the remember-to-bring lists were printed clearly on the ticket. There was also this Jakartan who forgot to bring his ID card, so his mother came running, knocked on the classroom door and left his son's identity card to the invigilator. Oh how sweet his mother was. 
Before the test began, I was very hungry due to the small amount of bread I consumed that morning. But i endured it, knowing that taking out my chocolate bread and eating it wasn't really a good idea. There were 3 breaks : after section 2,4 and 6. The break time was less than 5 minutes ; 1 minute to eat my bread and 3 minutes for my bladder. To cut the long story short, I guessed so many answers especially for the critical reading section.

October 12
I left for Medan. OK this is important. I suddenly fell down at the airport. Well that was embarrassing of course. I think I injured my leg right now. I limped slightly and freaking needed a massage. That's sad right. 

I probably need to stop babbling. Well, my friends said I was more talkative than before. But the simple truth is : I am elated because I had passed this milestone. 

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