Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Worth it.

I had a school orientation on 20 July, so I had no choice but to go to the US. This was my first time traveling in a considerable distance from home, alone. And this experience is very worth to tell.

I departed for Penang on Thursday evening. I spent one night there with my parents and my youngest sister. The next day, July 17, I headed for Singapore all by myself. Here are some of the pictures I took as I took advantages of the window seat.

Okay this was the most interesting part. When I arrived at Changi airport, I saw some people getting out from another gate. But, most of them were like whispering to each other and I started to see flash lights from their phones. I thought they were taking picture of an ordinary person. But I saw the man whom they were taking pictures of , sat on the ezgo cart. At first, I didn't notice anything until the women who took the pictures of the man, started running towards him. Then I suddenly remembered that the next day, Big Bang will held their concert in Singapore and the man whom the women were chasing might be one of the Big Bang members. I, too, started to take the moving walkway but the people in front did not walk and they are kind of blocking my way. If only I had recognized him faster, I would have taken pictures of him. Sad to say, I had 0 picture of him and he is indeed one of the big bang members, Seungri.

Moving on, after I lost sight of Seungri, I went to the transit counter to check in for my flight tomorrow morning to Japan, but the officer said that the counter had not opened yet, so I'd gotten no choice but to go to the transit hotel and called it a night. The next morning, I woke up at 2.45 AM and quickly ran a bath. I checked out from the hotel at 3.30AM and checked in my 6AM flight. Then, I just strolled around the airport, while waiting for the cafe to open. I ordered a hot milk tea as I wasn't feeling well. Then I went to the gate and waited for boarding time.

When I first entered the airplane, I had a good hunch that this plane was gonna be great. The seat was pretty spacious and I had no one sitting beside me so I thought this was a good chance to sleep on 2 seats. The 6 hours flight was good, until the last 30 minutes when the plane was preparing for the landing, I felt so scared. The plane shook and dropped for great many times and I kept praying and praying. The landing was rough though and because of that, one of the compartments was opened. When the plane stopped, everyone was sighing of relief.

I was in Narita airport for 3 hours. I really wanted to buy some make up stuffs there but my stomach started growling, so I headed to the cafe nearest to my gate. I had a niku udon (beef udon) and it was such a delicacy. Then I was ready for the next flight to lax.

I had my father's friend's daughter fetching me up from the airport. I arrived at LA in the afternoon. We had a quick lunch at in and out burger. I didn't usually favor fast food but this one was great and wasn't costly. Then I went to my apartment and took a 5 hours nap. lol. Then I had my dinner at Seoul Tofu restaurant and it was so so so delicious. Then I came home and slept again.

On Monday, I went to my college to check in and this was the first time in my entire life that I'd ever ridden a public bus. It was nice though. The only thing was that the distance from the bus stop to my college is pretty far (read: I am not used to walking on sunny day). The first thing I did when I arrived at my college, was going to the library, the only source of air conditioning. HAHAHA. After checking in, I went home to study for my assessment test the next day. They said the test wasn't that hard but still I wanna do my best on it.

The next day was the assessment test. I went to my college earlier so that I could review the math formulas in the library. After I was ready, I went to the cafeteria and bought a cheese muffin for my lunch. Then, with the help of the school map, I went to the assessment center and took the test. I had the Math test first. The test was tricky though. I was very afraid that I would be put on the lower class, so, since the test was untimed, I spent as long as I could on the difficult questions. The English test was not that hard, fortunately. After I had done the test, I went out and the teacher gave me the test results. I was so happy to hear him saying that my Math is good and that I got the highest class for both Math and English. That seriously made my day. That night, my friend came over and she brought korean food.

Stay tune on my next stories 😆
Sorry for babbling so much.

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