Thursday, July 2, 2015

Japan Travel Diary Day 1

I felt so excited that I have finally travelled to my dream country, Land of the Rising Sun. Yihaa!! I went there with one of my younger sisters, so there were only two of us, with the travel group of course.

Our flight was at 11 PM. Before departing, there was a group meeting at the airport, where we had a chance to introduce ourselves. The first time I met my group members, it was very awkward. Most of them were families with one or two kids and none of them was like us, teenagers-travelling-without-parents. The route that we chose consisted of disneyland, disneysea and universal studio tour so it was understandable that some of the members were children under the age of 12, who still need parental guidance. Fortunately, our tour guide was quite affable so we could talk comfortably.

The minute I entered the airplane, I had a very bad hunch because that day was the first day of my m cycle and I had dysmenorrhea haunting me every month. The arrangement of the seat was 2,4,2. I chose the aisle seat and my sister picked the window seat. I wasn't sure about you guys, but for me, window seat suffocates me and besides, it is easier for me to go to the toilet if I sit near the aisle. As I have mentioned above, my flight was at 11 PM and I took approx. 7 and a half hours to reach Tokyo from Jakarta. I couldn't sleep in the airplane. I did close my eyes for like 3 hours but it was not a well-sleep. We finally landed in Tokyo at 8 AM if I'm not mistaken. The time in Tokyo is 2 hours faster than that of Jakarta. Then, we were given 20 minutes to change our clothes and put on make up. We met the local guide, Ping, who is also an Indonesian but he resides there.

Day #1
We embarked on our city tour in Tokyo and the first place we stop at was Asakusa temple. It was so populous that I felt like I was in China, not Japan -_-

Myriad of tourists

Was the man in the blue shirt taking a picture of me taking a picture of him? Who knows?


We had out lunch in a secluded restaurant near Nakamise, no pictures of it.

and we continue our trip to Tokyo tower where the heaven of Tokyo Banana products is located in.

Next, we headed to Ginza.

We dine dine at a barbeque restaurant (all you can eat, all you can refill).

Next post tomorrow cause this one is too long already.
Stay tune.

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