Friday, May 8, 2015

The Book Thief

I could say that I was finally accepted to SMC. God knows how happy I am. I love this college very much primarily because of its vibrant learning atmosphere and it is pretty adjacent to Santa Monica Pier. I could now enjoy the fruits of my hard work. Although my SAT score was not used for applying to SMC, at least I had learnt something about it and gained some experience of the situation throughout the test. Intense huh. 

I decided to make my own detox water which came out looking absolutely gorgeous. However, the taste was kinda awful. It's too sour for me or I am a sour intolerant kind of person. But anyway, it gave me an image of how good and bad it tasted. So, i did not regret making this drink for myself (lesson learnt!)

I did some reading for the past few days. I read The Book Thief, which is worthwhile to read for me. From the title, you know that the story was all about a person who always look for an opportunity to steal a book. Some of the words are written in German language (of course there are english translations for each german word), as it tells a story during the NAZI period in which the Germans were still under the control of Adolf Hitler.

The book has been made into a movie. I haven't watched it yet, so don't spoil it. hahaha.
Okay, I think I should stop now cause my eyes are hurting.
Thank you for reading,xoxo.

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