Sunday, January 21, 2018

The life update

I am pretty sure no one will read this postings because every time they click on my blogspot link, there is never an update. I am so sorry about that. I know how it feels like to click on a disappointment.

Anyway, I was so overwhelmed by tons of homework and weekly quizzes last fall. I didn't even have time to go out with friends during the weekends. See how pathetic my life as an Accounting major was? Hufh. But the good news is, I switch my major to Marketing to simplify my life. Oh Gosh I wish my parents know this is not what I want to do. I really want to go to pastry school (and I wish I did back then). Well then I don't have to be stuck in school learning things that I am not interested in.

I am now in LMU (abbreviated from Loyola Marymount University) if you are wondering which school I am attending right now. It is a Catholic school in Westchester, Los Angeles. I would not say I do not like the school just because I am not interested in my major but hell yeah this is by far my most favourite school I've ever attended. Not to mention the friendly teachers, viable learning atmospheres and you can actually city gaze from LMU (a plus one). I love it when my school ends during the sunset (the most amazing view I would never take as granted).

Okay, fast forward to last week. So, Michelle and I decided to explore new brunch places and we finally get to try Bondi Harvest in Santa Monica. The restaurant looks like a renovated old barn coated in white paint and outdoor seating in the narrow alley. It was really cold that day so we decided to sit indoor.

Sweet Halloumi tartine

The Caveman Bowl
We ordered the sweet halloumi tartine which is basically a toast with a thin layer of avocado spread with halloumi cheese on top. It was my first time trying halloumi cheese and in fact I just learn a new ingredient that day. The second food that we ordered was the caveman bowl. As you can see, there are tricolor quinoa, hummus, bacon, vegetables, sunny side egg and peas on top. Both food was super delicious and I will definitely come back for the other menus.

Taken inside the cafe

Just because we eat clean, doesn't mean we should abstain from dessert right? Well, at least that's how I entertain myself after eating low calorie meals. We then decided to go for a brief walk in Venice and walk across my favourite shop which is Salt and Straw. 
me waiting to order my fav ice cream
PS: this is the kid size Roasted Strawberry and Toasted White Chocolate (by far my most favourite ice cream flavour) and the other side of the ice cream was half gone HAHA

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