Saturday, October 20, 2018

New reads!

Hi peeps! I hope you have a beautiful day today. By having the opportunity to scroll through my blog post, sit on your sofa while watching movie, and have a bowl of food in front of you, you are richer than you think you are! Okay, honestly that is where I am right now. I am currently watching The Nun while typing (it must have been so boring that I decided to do this). Anyway, I am just curious of how the movie would turn out to be since I did not have a chance to watch it in the cinema.

I am now a senior student, yay! I guess I love being a grown-up. I can do whatever I want without being labeled as an underage! I know I am petite and look younger than the girls my age (or even those who are younger than me!) It's ironic how girls, who are younger than me could dress up and show a sense of maturity with their pose. I love looking mature but I am still struggling with it sometimes. People say my face and outfit really do contribute to my failure. *OK this movie is ridiculous, why does the woman wear a formal dress and heels to a public storage?*

OK fine. It was not the original movie. It has been released on Amazon as included in the prime subscription. I was duped. No wonder why it is free -.-

Turning from 20 to 21, I feel like I age a lot. I love spending time at home now reading life changing books rather than spending my weekend out for a bar or club (although i did not do these a lot when I was younger). The most recent book that I read was Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. If you haven't read this book, you probably should. It is a story about a professor who is waiting for his death to come and weeks before his final day, he taught lessons about life to his former student. He taught about marriage, regrets, culture, and forgiveness. Every story in the chapter makes you introspect yourself.

Anyway, to this day, I feel like I can live without alcohol forever. I feel like I have not reached the "alcohol is mandatory for every weekend" point in my life and I am already sick of it. Does anyone feel this too or is it just me? I spend less time playing video games, which I was so crazy about last summer. I feel the necessity to use the time for working out because I am gradually getting out of shape these days. I opt for zen instead of black music. I quit social media for quite a while and I feel less depressed, to be honest.

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