Sunday, June 30, 2019

Pastry School

I always feel like there are puzzles in my life that I have to search for and solve by myself. I am always trying to figure out what I want to do in my life. I used to think that I like Science, but I can't handle Chemistry. I tried Accounting, but it was not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I tried Marketing. I mean it is interesting how I get to learn the tips and tricks to becoming a professional salesperson, but, I always feel like I was not satisfied with what I have been learning for the past four years in college.

Now, I am doing Pastry and Baking program in Pasadena. I know I love baking since I was in high school but I didn't get a chance to improve those skills since I was so focused on my academic performance in college. It did not hit me until my last semester in uni, where I felt clueless of my future. I don't know if this is the right thing to do, so I thought I should explore new things that I have never thought of doing. I started cooking and baking again earlier this year and little did I know that this is the missing puzzle. I love being in the kitchen creating delicious dish that I could present to my family and friends.  Although I don't have many experience yet, but I know that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I love the feeling when people smile after eating my food. This small action means the world to me. 

I bought a Sony camera from my friend and I am still learning how to do food photography. So, stay tuned to my blog as I will post some recipes and pictures of my food.

Veronica Amianco

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