Friday, December 6, 2019

Things they never told you about working in the kitchen (pastry edition)

1. You work long hours. You also stand long hours. 8 hours a day is a minimum (that's the working hour of an intern like me). If you are an employee, you might work 9-10 hours. If you are the chef, you might work 10-12 hours a day.

2. You will never meet new people because you are working with the same people almost every single day. Your social life will deteriorate because you don't have the time and energy to go out with your friends.

3. You are so underrated, underpaid and under-appreciated. The wages that you earn is not worth the hardwork and dedication that you give.

4. Your will lose a lot of weight. Before working in the kitchen, I always wonder why people who work in the kitchen never gain weight. Now I get it.

5. You will develop a new habit that you never had before. Eg: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

6. Your work is a work out. Heavy lifting and moving around for hours and hours burns your calories more than that if you hit the gym. You will get stronger over the course of time.

7. You live in a constant state of sleep deprivation. You almost feel like you are a working machine. Sometimes you wonder if it is legal for someone to work this long.

8. You won't feel any appetite towards the food that you are making because you have had it for the hundredth time.

9. You will spend most part of your life working in a small, undecorated room with poor ventilation, high temperature, a lot of noise and a bunch of people who will become your only social interactions

10. You will feel more grateful for you have taken your life before this as granted.

11. You will feel that nobody can complain about their life because you physically suffer way more than them.

12. You will spend all of your working hours on your feet. No chair is provided in the kitchen. You will use your break time just to sit.

13. You will not cook at home. You will be to tired to even shop at a grocery store.

14. You will always wake up feeling exhausted.

15. There is no break in Chefs life. No Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Valentine, Mother's Day, or your own birthday!

16. Your feet, back, neck, and arms will be destroyed. You will never remember when was the last time they feel okay.

17. You are more likely to eat unhealthy food with the least amount of preparation required.

18. You are expected to be in the kitchen before 5 AM. Some kitchen expect you work as early as 3.30 AM.

19. You will never complain if you eat out in a restaurant and didn't get a beautifully presented food because you know how hard it is to get it right.

20. Most importantly, everything that was mentioned before will not matter if you fall in love with your job. You will never look back. You will feel even more grateful because you've chosen the right decision.

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