Tuesday, December 3, 2019

My honest review about Hello Fresh

Hi guys! As I promised last week, I am going to give my most honest review about Hello Fresh. Please note that even though I go to pastry school does not mean that I can cook properly. I am scared of oil spitting out to my hands and face and we all know that is our number one reason we do not cook. Second reason is that we are all too lazy to do dishes :)

Well, also know that I am not sponsored by Hello Fresh (even though low-key I wish I am) HAHAHA

So, if you guys don't know what Hello Fresh is, it is basically a meal kit that is delivered right to your doorstep. You pay every week for the meal(s) that you select and all the ingredients and instructions would be provided in the box as well. This is how your Hello Fresh package would look like. Know that everything is scaled out perfectly according to the recipe.

Image result for hello fresh

1. TASTE (9/10)
I think this is the first question that everyone wonders. Does Hello Fresh food taste good at all? Well, for me, it actually tastes really good. So far, I have ordered 6 pescatarian meals and they are all amazing. You really don't have to question the taste!

For me, their quality is good. They might not use the highest quality or organic products that you usually find at Erewhon, Eataly or Whole Foods. I would say they are probably using Ralphs or Trader Joe's quality which is still quite okay considering their price. I don't have any problem with that since all the vegetables and seafood that they sent me are clean and fresh. Oh, if you ordered seafood or meats, they usually provide dry ice as well so they won't go bad during transportation.

3. EFFICIENCY (7/10)
If you are wondering whether this requires time to prepare, the answer is yes. The average time you need to prepare the food until it is ready is usually around 35-50 minutes, depending on your speed in the kitchen. You also need to have a microwave, oven and most of the time, oven-safe pan to bake your food. If you are the type of a person who will never have time to cook, then Hello Fresh is probably not a good choice for you. But, if you have a lot of free time and wanted to learn how to cook properly, I would suggest catering Hello Fresh because they gave you a very straight forward instructions that you won't have any hard time understanding. Just make sure you have your timer with you and you know how to operate your oven so you won't burn your food!

4. PRICE (8/10)
Well, if you compare the price that you have to pay for each meal vs the price at grocery stores, I think it is skewed towards a more expensive side. However, you have to consider the fact that all these ingredients and instructions are delivered right on your doorstep so you do not have to waste time walking, driving and lining up to pay for your groceries. I believe Hello Fresh charged around $10-$13 depending on the meal that you choose (2 portions).

5. PORTION SIZE (7/10)
If you are a guy and you are planning to subscribe to Hello Fresh, I suggest ordering at least the 2 portions because you can eat it in one seating. So, if you want to eat it twice, order the 4 portions. And yes, their portion size is pretty small. Or maybe because I mostly ordered the vegetarian meals that's why I ate a lot HAHHAHA

What you need to have in handy:

  • knife, spatula
  • cutting board
  • pot(s)/pan(s)
  • oven (-safe pan), oven mitts or towels
  • microwave (able bowl)
  • timer
  • utensils
Well, good luck peeps! I hope my reviews and tips really helps!


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