Monday, September 16, 2024

Slow Mornings

Breakfast is my favorite time of the day. I don't know what has gotten into me lately but I have been enjoying my morning to the fullest. I feel like I am the type of person who loves creating my own breakfast and sitting down enjoying every bite of it. It has been my source of energy and determined my mood for the rest of the day.

Lately, I love to order the Vegan Multigrain Toast from Bakeout. The price is a little pricey for a loaf of bread but it doesn't leave me feeling bloated like any other white bread. If you have a little gluten problem like me, then you should try it out. It is definitely an acquired taste rather than a love at first bite. 

To be honest, I have spent quite some time decorating my morning plate and had it uploaded to social media. I have been receiving a lot of love from my friends and family. I do some research on the internet on how to mix and match every ingredients on my table but my favorites will always go to either eggs and toast or yogurt and banana. 

Chocolate overnight oats with banana and blueberry

I got a little greedy and threw all the proteins I have on the table 

Homemade cashew butter and raspberry jam. Sooo damnn goood but I only have once a week because it is a bit too sweet for my liking. Plus I don't really capture it on every photo but I drink orange juice almost every morning, guys. 

Another light breakfast : yogurt, fruits, granola and a tea spoon of raspberry jam cause again, I don't want to incorporate too much sugar on my plate.

Guilty pleasure. It is so nice to look at a pretty toast like this but it is a bit time consuming to spread it this way. Definitely going to work out after eating this much toppings on my toast.

Since me and gluten don't work well together so banana oat pancake it is! Not gonna lie but these pancakes are bomb! 

Goodnight readers!

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