Thursday, September 12, 2024


I never like the idea of rains. I remember back in the day, I feel so happy to study in a place where it only rains a couple times in a year. Whenever it did, it was only a very light drop. Now that I live in tropical country, it gets a little louder towards the end of the year. It has been raining for three consecutive nights and for someone who sleeps alone, rain is the last thing I want to listen to before I go to sleep.

I never understand why people romanticize rains. I hate the idea of getting soaked in cold wet clothes or shoes. It makes my fingers wrinkle and my whole body shivers. I hate when the droplets touch my skin. Also yes, it makes my hair frizzy and my make up smudges. Perhaps, only supermodels look good under the rains, right?

I have always associated rains with fearful apprehension, even the movies do too, don't they? 

People dying - it rains 

Breakup - it rains 

Accident - it rains

Funeral - it rains

Bad villain appearing - it rains

I remember staying up until three in the morning just to wait for the rain to stop so I can sleep peacefully. I don't get how people doze off easier when it rains. Whenever it starts to pour at night, my mind starts to get uneasy. I will start worrying about my family members who haven't come home yet. Will they be safe out there driving? Are they gonna be okay? All the negative thoughts come pouring in. 

It has been like this for almost ten years now. It all started because of an accident that happened to my friend back in high school. The incident still shook me until today and I hope one day I can overcome this anxiety.

Goodnight readers!

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