Saturday, October 19, 2013

I miss writing my blog. I used to write a lot when I was younger. Probably when I was in middle school. 

I stopped blogging in sec4. I thought school is a big burden for me. I'd gotten too much pressure. Since i was placed in the plus class, striving is a must. I had no time to blog. I read books in my car albeit it's shaky. Seldom did i hang out with my friends on Sunday. 

I felt anxious prior to the exams at school. I felt dizzy sometimes. I cried the day before biology exams. I was afraid that I would flunk on it. The exams were mostly difficult. My heart was pounding the second I read the questions. I used to do that and I was traumatized. 

I didn't want to study anything related to science anymore. 
So, i was given 2 options:
Science class: math, biology, physics, and chemistry.
Social class: math, accounting, economics, geography and sociology.

I was afraid of choosing the wrong path. 
But my mom did support me to choose social major. So, i did.

Now i feel like my life went right way up.

I have a happier life after I stop studying science. I enjoy my high school life so much. I make friends with a lot of people. Now i do not feel like my school is a burden anymore. 

My bag is much lighter than before. Easier subjects, friendlier teacher, tolerant friends. Everything is getting better now. 

But then i have another problem. 

To be continued..................

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