Friday, September 12, 2014


I am now 17 years old, which means I am entering the adult life.

So i went to see a teacher who was allegedly said to have the ability to foretell people's future.
Me: Sir, can u please do the palm reading for me?
Teacher: Oh alright. Write your birth day on a piece of paper.
Me: (writing my birth day) Here, sir.
Teacher: Umm okay. I think you should take ******* for your major.
Me: Hmm.
Teacher: Your study is okay (your report scores are excellent)
Me: Hahaha.
Teacher: Have you ever been in a relationship?
Me: No sir.
Teacher: (giggling) I see. The problem here is your soul mate.
Me: (oh my god, what's wrong?).....
Teacher: You need to practice smiling everyday in front of a mirror. You look grumpy.

The thing is that, I am not thinking of having a boyfriend right now, cause I believe education and career have to be my first priority. Yeah, I know I will marry someone one day. And that makes me even more afraid of the future. I am scared of growing, to be honest. The thought that everyone will face their own death scares the hell out of me. I try to concentrate on my studies but that kind of thought always pops out on my mind. Should I be worrying about mortality on my early age? Am I too young to think about death? I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing to scare about Veronica. You're still so young and all you have to do is to live your life to the fullest. Don't mind what others think of you because this is your life and your happiness is in your hands. Do whatever makes you happy. Be with someone who you're comfortable with, someone who you can really be yourself with. They don't have the right to tell you what to do nor who you want to be friends with. Don't be afraid of making mistakes because we never learn anything if we never make mistakes. It's okay, mistakes are part of growing up.
    And yesss, you're definitely too young to think about death because all you should think about right now are your studies, your family, your friends, your own happiness and many more, other than death. Over thinking is a really bad habit like seriously. You should try to change that habit for your own sake Veronica.
    Ohhh anddd i totally agree with your teacher, you need to practice smiling everyday. Make a lot of friends, because you don't know who might fall for your smile hahahaha xx
