Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The birthday post

I always capture the most beautiful and memorable memories in my life and decided to post them to my blog just a few weeks later. I just don't know why but it took me sometime to finally find that click to post something to my blog.

I just turned 21 last week. The older I become, the more I realise that birthday is not the most exciting day of the year anymore. I used to think that I should do something different on my birthday, something I would not normally do. But now, I just felt like it was just like any other day. I have 365 days a year to be grateful for and I do not want to make my birthday as the only day I feel blessed. A week ago, I shared my birthday with 4.8 million people in the world. So why would I demand for something extra special while some of them might not even have any candles to blow. I don't know why but for some reasons I felt guilty for being so blessed with all that I have right now that I don't even feel like celebrating my birthday. For me, a cake and a lit candle on top is more than enough for me.

So, lets move backward for a little bit. So my girl friends and I decided to have dinner at a pretty fancy restaurant called Culina. We chose this because the food looks good from yelp. hahha well the food are just okay, not too bad but I would rather try new restaurant than going back here.

These are the pictures that I took :



shortrib risotto

my girl friends and I

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