Friday, September 25, 2020

The New Normal Morning Rituals

If you guys read my previous blog, you'll know that I have been quarantined for more than two months now. And just like you guys, I feel really really stressed about it. I feel like my hormones are very unstable throughout the day and if you guys feel the same way like I do, I really recommend these tips for you just to make your day a little better:

  1. I meditate first thing when I wake up. I really recommend you guys to download Headspace on ios. It's a very short guided mediation that could help with your anxiety, anger, loneliness, and etc. The meditation starts from 3-20 minutes so you don't have to worry about falling asleep while meditating!
  2. I usually work out for 15-20 minutes after meditation. If you are a beginner like me, I'd recommend Chloe Ting or Emi Wong's work out routine. I usually only do Pamela Reif's 1-2 times a week otherwise I'd totally lose my motivation! Another reminder is that consistency is the key. I'd suggest you start slow and then adjust to your strength every week! Remind yourself that your future self will thank you for working out today. 
  3. I cannot stress this enough but eat healthy and eat healthy. You don't have to eat vegetarian food all the time or eat salad bowl every morning. You can eat a little less sugary food, a little less salty food, a little less greasy food. And lastly, cook your own meal cause you know what you're putting into you food and it saves you a whole lot of money! Honestly, I feel like the food that I eat really affect my mood throughout the day. When I eat coconut milk based food first thing in the morning, my whole day would feel like hell. But, eating two slices of wheat bread for breakfast changes the entire story. Try it and let me know how you feel about your body.
I'm stopping right here cause otherwise, I could write for 5 more pages. Sometimes I wish I could talk my thoughts out but well I guess everyone was born with different traits huh. I'll see you on my next post!

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