Sunday, August 25, 2024

Losing My Teenage Features

Is it just me or the clock is ticking two times faster as I enter my 20s? Gosh, I still can't believe it has been more than ten years since the very first time I started this blog. Anyway, I just read some of my previous blogs. Most people would say that their teenage self made them cringe but reading these posts made me realize that I have grown into a wiser and more mature self that I am sure my younger self will be very proud of. I believe I have loved myself more now compared to the time when I was in college or even in my early 20s. 

The reason I choose this title is because it is now trending on social media. As the title says, "losing my teenage features", many would associate with physical appearances, such as slimmer jaw or glowed up skin tone. But my version of "losing my teenage features" is being able to let go of all the insecurities I used to have, the people pleaser I used to be and the stuffs I used to do just because I don't want to be called a party pooper. Back in the day, I did a lot of things that didn't bring me joy and happiness just because I want to fit in with those "cool kids" and looking back, I wish I could have done something different. I wish I was a little kinder to myself. lol.

I am glad to say that I am in physically and mentally better state now. I am back at the gym 4-5 times a week and just came back from Bangkok recently. Hopefully, I will post some Bangkok pictures on my next entry. I am also mentally better thanks to my family, boyfriend, friends and all the creative content creators on Instagram, Youtube and Spotify. 

All right, time to go back to work, peeps! Enjoy your Monday everyone!

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